We hope to build an entirely sustainable company that provides top-quality service to visitors, while at the same time, supporting the community and conserving our natural environment against global warming.
We hope to build an entirely sustainable company that provides top-quality service to visitors, while at the same time, supporting the community and conserving our natural environment against global warming.
▪ Create your unforgettable adventure
▪ Provide the best quality services
▪ Educate about Tanzanian culture and history
▪ Offer memorable and enjoyable trekking and safari experience
▪ Maintain a 100 percent locally owned company
▪ Uphold the view of supporting our local community
▪ Provide equitable working conditions to our employees
Habari Adventures is a 100% local and fair company. We have the best camping logistics, the best guides and porters as well as a big variety of tours. We take care of your individual needs and wishes and provide the best quality to create an amazing time in Tanzania.
To become the leading company in all tourism activities by offering the best quality and individual tours to create an amazing and happy time for our customers.
▪ Honesty and integrity
▪ Transparency
▪ Time management
▪ Clients become our friends
▪ Commitment to the culture and society
▪ Work as a team by sharing knowledge, experience and dedication
▪ Creativity and innovation from solidarity
▪ Made by Tanzanians